Friday, July 30, 2010

Trip to Helsinki!

So, yesterday I went to Helsinki. Again, I didn't wake up early enough and I was in a terrible rush. I forgot some of my things, but luckily I made it to the train. When the train left the station I opened my bag to grab my phone and make a call... ''Wait, why is this wet?''. I looked inside my bag and it was completely wet and my things were floating in it. I guess the plastic bag didn't hold and my juice spilled in. NICE. So I had to empty all my things from the bag and I was feeling a bit embarrassed emptying my things on the seat next to me and my bag started to drip some juice out of it.
Well... nothing significant happened, but I was really pissed off because all my things were sticky and my camera didn't work anymore.

(Sorry for the bad quality, I took it with my phone)

I was suffering in the train, because my headphones were also broke so I couldn't listen to any music. When I got to Helsinki I got my things cleaned and no harm done! The whole day we were just hanging out in the center and later in the evening we went to the park with Jatta, Niko, Viivi, Arttu and Heikki + one whose name I can't recall :---D

There were so many ants! >___<

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Today I hanged out with a couple of friends. First I went to the center with Anton to see some new shops in Hansa, LOL~ Nothing new, and nothing I haven't seen before. People never come up with anything new! We got bored, so we went down to the riverside to take some photos.

After Anton left, I met up with Annika, Laitti and Dongki. We were suppose to spend the whole evening at DBTL (Down By The Laituri). But when we got there... There was nothing... They used to have stuff going outside the real area, but this time there was absolutely nothing! Except for the few small stores selling spring rolls or sausage... But what I was suppose to expect? Turku is such a dead place. There is never anything cool happening here, or atleast _something_. So, we just walked around the riverside.

And then... Of course it started RAINING. Great. We went to hang about under a underpass bridge until the rain would stop. Mean while we were bored and doing nothing under the bridge, Laitti started playing her Nintendo DS and I was... Ummm... Exploring.

Aaand last but not least, I got these lashes from my friend~

Monday, July 26, 2010

Too hot!

Don't you just hate people who can't keep their promises? Well I do! I was suppose to hang out with my friend today, who I haven't seen for a long time, I called him at the time we were suppose to meet, but he didn't answer his phone. I thought ''Well, maybe his phone is on silence, I'll try soon again''. Soon came and went, still no answer AND he had turn his phone off! So by then he must had seen I had called ARGH! I was really getting frustrated and I was ready to leave home. Fortunately I ran in to my friend who I hadn't seen for a long time, since she moved to Africa 3 years ago. It was nice seeing with her~

Walking back home it was so warm! Well, not actually that warm, but a big change coming from England, where it was windy and mostly cool all the time. I suddenly started to miss the weather in England. Yesterday it was so warm I just rolled around in my bed for 3 hours. When I got home I immediately turned on the cooler and just sat in front of it for like 10 minutes. LOL~ And my cat was like dying, because of the heat and with all that fur.

I forgot to mention on my last posting about these sooo cute accessories I bought from England! I especially like the ribbon one, because it's big enough, so I don't have to wear anything else on that hand.

I'm sure you noticed I'm not separating all the pictures and putting lines on to them like I did in my earlier entries. It's because my computer is crap and I'm lazy XD Also I'm crappy at editing.
Today I managed to clean up my laptop from all the junk I had downloaded and updated the erm... Snow Leopard -system? Well, anyways the system for MacBook :'''D It's working a bit faster now, success! I still need to find a wallpaper I'm satisfied with.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Back in Finland

So, I've now been back in Finland for 2 days now... And it's boring. Surprise. Of course after weeks of sunshine and warmness the weather changes when I come back
Yesterday I was with my friend Vicky for the whole day, because she was leaving for a camp the next day. I also saw other people, but because of the bad weather we didn't stay out long. She actually came from Vietnam just a week ago, haven't seen each other for almost 9 weeks, so it was good to see her. She bought me some souvenirs from Vietnam, but of course she had to have some overweight so she had to leave things behind. Although she managed to bring me back these cool mix-style headphones! I don't like listening to music from these kind of headphones, but they are reaaally cool as an accessory!

Before we left England I still had some money left, so I spent it on some makeup~

And some hair extensions too! Their only synthetic so nothing yay about that... But they were actually quite good quality and they don't shine that much, so it was okay, because they only cost like 1,50£

I bought two of the blonde extensions and three purple. The blondes have 6 clips in one extension and the purple ones 2 clips.

I really don't know what I'm going to do for the next 2 weeks of holiday. School hasn't even started yet and I'm already feeling like I'll probably go and buy my school books tomorrow so that I'll get it sorted out of the way. Hopefully the sunshine will come back soon!

Sorry for the crappy editing... -.- My computer was totally against me today.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Greetings from England!

While I'm still all excited about my new blog I'll start posting about my trip right away. So, I'm currently in England on a holiday, staying with my mom. London is way too far from here, so unfortunately I wont be going there

But! Not to worry! Shops are everywhere! Went up to Newcastle to shop for some brands. Already did some shopping in Sunderland, but it was just a small town, so I only bought a few things.

I've noticed that here in England, that all the junk and un-healthy food are so cheap here! I've been eating waaay too much!
Also most of the health and beauty products here are cheap! I think I'm gonna stock up my luggage and bring them back to Finland, so I don't have to buy the expensive ones from Finland

Have a nice day~!